Our Journey at the Ffuturo Innovation Awards

Our Journey at the Ffuturo Innovation Awards

  Last Friday, October 20th 2023, marked a special day for us at 8 Circular. We had the privilege of being named finalists at the Ffuturo Innovation Awards, an event that brought together some of the biggest names in the world of innovation, including corporate...
Meet our COO Amaru Gonzalez Pereira

Meet our COO Amaru Gonzalez Pereira

  Here, our COO Amaru Gonzalez Pereira stands proudly with what we believe is the future of waste management!As an engineer, she had to learn everything about Black Soldier Flies from scratch to make this project come to life. Her dedication and hard work have...
Waste Management with black soldier fly

Waste Management with black soldier fly

  By cultivating black soldier flies, organic waste can be diverted from landfills, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. In addition, the larvae are a valuable source of high-quality nutritional protein for animals, providing an alternative to...